5 Signs that Business Loan is a Scam!!

Regardless of the danger of scams nowadays, there are approaches to distinguish scams before they occur. So, here are five signs to keep an eye out to avoid being a scam victim. Let us investigate why that business loan is a scam.

  1. High Pressure to Submit. Con artists usually focus on these businesses to quickly submit because it will not allow them to acknowledge something is amiss. On the off chance that a loan offer has a tight lapse date, that is an indication of a trick.
  2. Lack of Quality in reality. Excellent business practice is to search for autonomous data on the moneylender you’re working with. If you can’t find a telephone number, address, surveys, or evaluations during your examination, you may be dealing with a trickster.
  3. Guaranteed Endorsement. It truly is unrealistic. Regardless of who the bank is or what the loan is for, the ensured endorsement is unimaginable because each moneylender will need to assess reliability before taking care of business.
  4. Unsolicited Financing Offers. As a rule, borrowers are the ones to start the interaction in the realm of financing, not banks. If you get an offer through telephone, email, or text, it’s presumably a trick. Remember that this goes connected at the hip with ensured endorsement; free cash is unrealistic.
  5. They are requesting Ledger Data or Access. False moneylenders regularly ask for a borrower’s internet banking data, such as their check card number and secret key. This practice is anything but an ordinary business practice, yet con artists frequently pull it off by utilizing the mask of “financial balance check” or something comparative.

Other types of Business Loan scam to look out for

Peer-to-Peer Lending Scam

Numerous businesses have accomplished distributed (P2P) lending through genuine organizations that coordinate loan specialists with borrowers web-based, bypassing customary monetary establishments. Con artists know this and can act like expected banks, offering funding without a credit check. Try not to get bulldozed. The sting may come from out-of-this-world financing costs that overstep the law to outright burglary. Cautioning finishes paperwork for these scams incorporate solicitations for forthright installments, demands for wire moves, and additionally encouraging rates before you experience a credit check or present an application. In case you’re keen on this sort of funding, get your work done in advance to ensure you’re managing a legitimate organization with a demonstrated history.

Credit Repair Scams

What It Seems Like: “Increment your FICO assessment by 100+ focuses in under seven days! Most minimal expenses in the business. 3-Route Questions with Loan bosses, Credit Authorities, and the FTC. Quick Track Your Credit, and Sign Up At this point!

Your record as a consumer is the main piece of your financial history when you apply for a business loan. So con artists offer themselves as who can guarantee you. They offer to help you clear out a helpless record of loan repayment or raise your credit. These scams exist nearby close to home credit and business credit fix. New businesses are particularly in danger for these scams since they haven’t fabricated a broad business record of loan repayment yet.

Although some authentic credit fix organizations, their administrations regularly don’t add a lot of significant worth. You can do all that they are promising all alone free of charge. For example, there’s a specific and basic government-commanded debate measure for eliminating mistakes from your credit report—you needn’t bother with anybody’s assistance and can do this free of charge.

Also, there are many significant advances you can take all alone to improve your financial assessment. Where you feel submerged and need some help, search out the Equity Division’s rundown of endorsed credit guides.

Funding Kit Scams

Funding kit scams are like consultancy charge scams in that they guarantee approaches to help you through the funding interaction. These explicitly offer a “kit” to help you get funding, regardless of whether through loans or unrealistic awards. Both of these sorts of scams may appear to be genuinely useful to those with little comprehension of account. One needs to be careful.


In this article, we discuss five signs that business loan is a scam. We also listed some other types of scams to look out for and avoid. However, if you are a victim of a business loan scam, then do not fret. There are solutions. You can quickly report to the police, although this will take time, and the scammer will be gone by the time the investigation begins. You can write to the bank, too, though this may delay due to the paperwork involved. The best or surest way is to get a scam recovery expert you can trust to help you recover your funds.

Many recovery experts offer fake services, and one needs to be careful in dealing with them. Here at Atrium Forensics, we have certified recovery experts who have successfully recovered funds for scam victims. Read more on www.alienwizbot.com.

You may like How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency Investor, Protect Yourself!

Every cryptocurrency investor is a target of investment frauds with different forms. Whether you’re investing in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies, you should carefully protect your investment. Scams are everywhere and become a significant threat aside from cybersecurity attacks. On the other hand, the volatile nature of cryptocurrency trading drives a high risk of investment losses. You should manage threats and risks with reliable protection to prevent you from losing money in cryptocurrency trading.

Comprehend The Nature of Crypto Market

The primary protection is by taking the knowledge about the nature of the crypto market as your principal. Yes, the fact that the crypto market is volatile isn’t a joke. Cryptocurrency is highly fluctuating, which makes it riskier than fiat currency trading. Some cryptocurrencies, especially the new ones, are even more volatile, so buying a token could be a safer investment. Cryptocurrency values can go up and down very dynamically. Please take it as your principle no matter what crypto pair you’d trade.

Hiring an investment lawyer is also an excellent mitigation step if you’re planning to invest in new crypto projects and digital trading currencies with regulated investment strategies. They can help you with valuable advice and handle investment complaints.

Read How Scam Brokers Operate

Acknowledge The Whole Concepts

When it comes to cryptocurrency, there are complex concepts you should acknowledge. Without comprehension of blockchain technology and how it works, investing in cryptocurrency would double the risk. Before tools or any assistance, your knowledge in cryptocurrency trading is fundamental protection. Investors of cryptocurrencies don’t know the coins’ actual value, making these digital currencies very volatile. You should also beware of investment scam sites that target digital currency investors. Increase your knowledge and keep updated with crypto market news.

Chances of Adoption

Cryptocurrency investment is highly speculative because it bases its value on the use of the coins for transactions. We can’t count on the adoption plan and progress of cryptocurrency while nothing is certain in this area. For easy understanding, either we or crypto issues don’t know where they will accept the digital currency, let’s say, as a strong-contending alternative or replacement of fiat currency. You should take this fact into account to protect yourself from investment losses when investing in cryptocurrency.

Read How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency

Have You Lost Money to Binary Options? Here’s How to Recover it,recover money from binary options

Research on Adoption Factors and Applications

While the current crypto market is highly volatile, you can research adoption changes and factors. These include what kind of services or products backup their ICO to identify how people adopt the coins. Generally speaking, the more services and products needed, the higher score they have. For example, some successful ICO projects run browsing services required by (potentially) millions of people. Again, you should deepen your knowledge in blockchain technology to determine whether the investment would be profitable. You can also research other factors, including regulations, government, society, and the global market. Some applications may be contextually relevant to particular aspects but not for others.

Diversify Your Cryptocurrency Investment

The ultimate protection of your cryptocurrency investment is by diversifying your portfolio. Volatility is inevitable, but by recognizing the risks, you can manage preferences on digital currencies you want to invest in as well as the stake. You can diversify your investment by investing in multiple digital currencies instead of one.


cryptocurrency investment

Below are some steps to follow before actually making a digital currency investment:

  • You need to understand the digital coins you want to put your money on.
  • Develop your preferences and make a list of cryptocurrencies for your investment.
  • Go to the top three or top five to diversify your crypto investment.

Even though it would vary for each person, you can diversify based on blockchain technology, applications, acceptances, and so forth. You should beware that there’s no absolute measure of best practices, but the diversification allows you to manage the risks that double thanks to the volatile cryptocurrency market. As you invest your money in multiple cryptocurrencies, you will not lose all of your money if one of them drops.

Check The Airdrop

If you’re hunting ICOs instead of those “established” cryptocurrencies, then you must check the airdrop sites, which are legit references for such investment portfolios. These sites aren’t investment platforms, but they’re crypto coins or ICO distribution platforms that host various projects with stats and addresses. New crypto projects or ICOs usually promote their offering through an airdrop.

Airdrop sites provide investors with valuable advantages, especially the beginner ones. There, you can compare offerings from diverse ICOs conveniently and remove investor scam sites from your list. These sites have filter features and a user-friendly interface that allows you to review the offerings quickly. The platform hosts a direct link to the addresses to directly navigate to crypto projects’ sites that you’re interested in. Compared to randomly researching the offerings, you can save time and resources by using the airdrop sites.

Beware of Buy-and-Sell Strategy

While there are small chances to gain quick profit from established coins, many people try their luck on alternative currencies. This step is undoubtedly tricky as they usually invest a large sum of money to increase their coins’ value. They try to hype up the coins and might be inspired by the “blue ocean strategy” with a vision to elevate the value.
The idea is to buy cheap coins and sell them at higher prices as the strategy works. However, the timing is a fundamental element in this strategy and it’s still precarious. If you fail to hold and sell at the proper time, you’d likely lose your investment. Of course, if you make it, you’d potentially bank huge profits from your coins. The diversification rule is still applied even for such crypto holding strategies.


As you’ve seen above, high volatility is the primary reason why you should be protective of your crypto investment. In general, cryptocurrency investment possesses the highest risks among other commodities to invest in. The major attraction could have been the market pop that makes quick money for former investors but unlikely to happen again anytime soon. If you’re still interested in digital currency investment, diversification is a top-notch strategy to manage the high risk while potentially securing a sum of profits.


Types of Real Estate Scams and how to avoid them


protect yourself from real estate scams

How To Protect Yourself From Real Estate Scams

How to Protect Yourself from real estate scams

Real estate scams are becoming more rampant, and there is a need for you to stay vigilant and not fall into the traps of real estate scammers. They can scam anyone, and it’s the funniest thing you will ever read today.

Recently, the F.B.I. even disclosed that real estate transactions are a growing target of wire fraud. In this article, we shared some excellent and easy ways to fight back with the help of Atrium forensics, a fund recovery company based in Australia. To better help you understand how this scam operates, we shared a recent story of someone who almost got scammed by these real estate scams.

Justin Rubinstein had a license as an associate real estate broker at Compass. He was working to close on a one-bedroom condo on the Williamsburg waterfront in June of 2016 with a buyer. As they were finalizing the deal, the client gets an email — supposedly from his lawyer — providing precise instructions of where to wire a $214,500 down payment.

Almost immediately after sending the money, the client realized that the wiring instructions were not from his lawyer. Instead, a scammer was sending the email, and he was a victim of wire fraud. But, the client was lucky. He informs his bank to freeze the account before the banks did the transfer immediately.

“The criminals operating were able to hack into the attorney’s email and monitoring their account, following deals closely,” Mr. Rubinstein says. “When it was time to send a wire for the down payment, they intercepted the email. They sent fraudulent wire instructions to the buyer.”

How does the scammer operate?

The real estate industry is moving at a fast-pace. As a result, people share emails with very sensitive financial information with little or no face-to-face interaction. These scammers now have a sophisticated wire fraud scheme. They hack into and closely monitor the email exchanges of the parties involved in the real estate transactions.

At the 11th hour, scammers can pretend to be participants and ask that the buyer wires down payment funds to fraudulent bank accounts. Since they spend weeks intercepting personal information, they can customize and craft extremely compelling email requests.

“Many players participate in these transactions,” James Abbott, a supervisory special agent for the F.B.I.’s criminal investigative division, says. “It can be the real estate agent or the real estate lawyer, an escrow company, buyer, and even the seller — there are a lot of potential targets.”

Some steps to recover your money from a real estate scam

Once you realize that you are a fraudulent transfer victim, it is crucial to act immediately. Quickly contact your financial institution and ask for a recall of funds. If you use a money transfer company, like Western Union or MoneyGram, call their complaint line right away. Better still, visit any effective fund recovery company like Atrium Forensics to help you quickly recover your lost fund either in Bitcoin or wire transfer.

You can as well, contact your local police office to file an official report with law enforcement. You can at least file an online complaint with the bureau’s internet crime complaint center. If your bank needs a police report, use a copy” of the online complaint.

If you prefer to fight back and be in control, you can hire a recovery expert like Atrium forensics to help you recover stolen funds. Visit their website to learn more about this process – www.alienwizbot.com.

Read Also: How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency

Read more on www.investmentbloom.com

How do I recover money from real estate scams?

Real estate scams are wire fraud where you transfer the money to the scammers instead of the property seller. Fraudsters usually compromise the email of the real estate buyers with a guide to disbursement. It’s not the seller who is the fraudster, but there is a third party that intercepts the email. This article states some ways in which you can recover money from real estate scams.

The buyers disburse the payment to the scammer’s account following the fraud guide sent by email. There is a lack of

cybersecurity awareness in the real estate business, leading to real estate scams. Impostor, real estate emails make thousands of people lose billions of dollars daily. If you suspect someone is scamming you of your real estate payment, take immediate steps to retrieve funds.

These are some steps of recovery from real estate scams you can take immediately.

Push The Bank To help Recover Money from real estate scams

First, contact your bank and that of the recipients. Yes, you’d have to get in touch with both banks once you realize the scam. Next, request an account freezing over fraud to the recipient’s bank. You can formally request the bank to freeze the account even if you are not a customer. Ask your bank to help you with the notes.

There are two possibilities of the funds you’ve transferred to the fraudster’s account. If you act immediately, there are chances that the funds are still in that account. However, the fraudster may quickly move the funds to other accounts in other banks. If you’re experiencing the second scenario, you should follow the money and request a fraud freeze on other recipients’ accounts.


As the real investment scam real estate takes place online, it would be proper to call the FBI to file a complaint under Internet Crime Complaint Center(IC3). It’s a division that focuses on handling internet crimes, including real investment scams. You’d receive a complaint number over the fraud transactions you’ve experienced.

You may wonder why you’d have to go to the FBI instead of FCT or financial authority. It’s because scammers carry out real estate investment scams through the internet, and there’s a need to follow and recover the money. IC3-issued complaint number is significant for any Belize real estate scams victim. From now on, you can use the complaint number to process your report further.

Next, you’d need to contact the local FBI field office to proceed with your real estate scams in Florida reports. They will require the complaint number. You also need to request for assignment of agents with specialization in real estate investment scams. They’d require copies of all documentation and other evidence of the transactions. Ensure that you prepare all of them before filing your complaint. An FBI field officer would take care of your case.

Get A Legal Backup

After contacting the banks and filing a complaint to the FBI’s IC3, you’ve done great so far. Next, you need to get a legal backup by contacting a lawyer. It may be a family lawyer or one with experience in real estate scams. At this point, the lawyer may help you with the temporary restraining order. The order lists the banks that host fraudster’s accounts and receives your money.
This order aims to prevent these recipient banks from further transferring your money or stopping the fund’s movement. It also orders the banks to freeze the fraudsters’ accounts.

Follow Up Your Request to recover your money from real estate scams

Another critical tip during the real estate rental scams recovery process, you should be proactive. You need to follow up on your requests on fraud freezes and expand it following the money’s movement. Fraud freezes would stop fraudsters from transferring your funds any further. Each bank may have different policies on how long they would keep freezing the fraud accounts. And yes, fraudsters would typically use multiple accounts in other banks.
It’s you who should gather the relevant data about the movement of the money, including the bank names, account names, locations, e.t.c. It’s also essential to document and keep the log throughout the progress to support your report.

Filing A Police Report

In the final step, you’d need to file a police report over the real estate investment scams you’ve experienced. You can pass all documentation and information when you’re filing the report. Police will proceed with the case on the basis of the information you provide. That’s why we’ve suggested you compile all information and contacts so both the FBI and police can get through them effectively.

Again, the key to successfully recover your money from a real estate agent scams is time. Every second count, from when you suspect fraud. The more you wait, the lower chance you can trace your money and get it back to your account. The whole process does not take up to five hours after the realization. Generally speaking, contact the banks for fraud freezes should be done in the very first minutes. These would buy you time to structure your reports and do all of those follow-ups.


As you might have seen above, recovering money from a real estate investment scam requires quick moves and persistence. As a victim of an investment scam, you’d have to be proactive on real estate news and do all steps with no hesitation. Following the money wouldn’t be easy as scammers may transfer it to multiple accounts within hours or even minutes. Requesting fraud freeze on fraud accounts and reporting to authorities should be done quickly.

Contact Professional Third – Party

Many recovery companies can help you if you choose not to pursue any of the means. These companies have certified ethical hackers that can help you recover lost or stolen funds from real estate scams, binary options scams e.t.c. AtriumForensics can provide these services. There are many testimonials from happy customers. Speak to an expert on the team immediately to help you with the recovery of your funds. Send a mail to info@alienwizbot.com.

Read Also: How to recover money from Binary Options scam.

Read Also: Sharebroker Fraud, the many ways it can happen.








The Best Ways To Recover From Scam Investments

Being a victim of scam investments is a mind-numbing experience. There are Ways to recover from real estate scams, for example. A lot of people give up because of the lengthy process and don’t know where to start. Recovery from scam investment is challenging but possible. Check the best ways to recover from the scam investment below.

Bank’s Reimbursement

When fraudulent transactions that involve your financial account occurs, we highly recommend you contact your bank first. Banks must protect their clients against fraudulent transactions. However, it will depend on the payment method of fraud cases.Bank Transfer: Banks may be able to recover your funds when someone tricks or forces you to transfer money to investment scams.

Credit Card:

Contact your credit card issuer, immediately you suspect a scam by an investment company using your credit card information. Credit card payments have protection and liability against fraudulent transactions. Even though it doesn’t guarantee a direct recovery, contacting the card issuer allows you to get the solution sooner.


Debit Card:

If you make the payment with a credit card, you can request a card issuer or the bank’s chargeback. They will proceed with recovery through the card network or other bank(if the scammer’s account is in another bank). The sooner you contact the bank, the higher chance you can fully recover your lost money.

Unauthorized Payment: When someone retrieves funds from your account without your authorization, contact the bank immediately. The bank will reimburse your lost money. If they ignore the complaint, you can follow up with the Ombudsman.

Scam Investments and Fraud Recovery Expert

There are scam and fraud recovery companies that can help you Recover Your Funds from Unregulated Investment Scams, especially in the chargeback process. They also investigative and carry out forensic procedures to help you structure your chargeback request. Firms with experience in recovery know how to build proper chronology that contains truth and is convincing. You can request a payment you did not authorize. Use a third party mandate to assign the firm for taking care of your reimbursement from the bank.
However, there are various recovery firms available out there, and not all of them are reliable. Get a proper recommendation over a fraud recovery firm or do your research on them, especially about the success rate, client’s experience, price, etc. Finally, you need to find one you trust because you provide them with an attorney’s right to take care of your financial accounts. Do you want to know how I can help you to recover your losses in a few days? Beware of fraud recovery scams that impose a legitimate service but stealing your information.

Legal Support

Whenever a fraudulent investment company scams you and chargeback or recovery attempts result in nothing, consider legal support. Fraud attorneys provide prosecution and defense services. They legally support you against the fraudsters in the court and hope to reclaim your lost money. If the subject is in the reach of the law where you’re residing, you get reliable legal support to contest your case.

However, not all lawyers specialize in handling fraud cases. You need to find attorneys with a strong background in fraud cases and always check their portfolios. When looking for legal support from a fraud attorney, make an initial consultation. Also, make things clear up front whether they can help you and how far they will involve themselves in your case.

Making A Report

Depending on where you live, each country may have its investment regulatory authority. Legitimate investment companies can register in those bodies. If the company that has scammed you is registered, then you can make a report to them. The authority would assess your account thoroughly. They will review the data you provide first. Next, they send Criminal investment scams to police for further investigation.

Take note that during the assessment process, you will answer some questions. The questions are to help build the background of the fraud case. At this point, you’d need to properly prepare documentation, screenshot, digital & non-digital evidence to support your fraud report.

Read Also: Types of real estate scam and how to avoid them
Ethical Hacking Platform

There are pro ethical hackers committing fraudsters and scammers. Some of these hackers are in the community that helps people to recover their money from fraud investment. Ethical hackers refer to hacking practitioners that use the white-hat method to conduct a system auditing. When helping investment scam victims, these hackers use particular hacking approaches to reverse the transaction so you can get your money back.

Unlike using a recovery firm’s service, ethical hacking firms may not work with the bank, card issuer, or card network. They might not guarantee a full recovery, but they may provide you with valuable data or information for your effort. If you’re considering using this service, it’s highly advisable to get a recommendation or preference.

Making Legitimate Investment

Sometimes, the cure for being scammed for fake investment is to do the legitimate one. We all know that being a victim of a scam affects financial and emotional conditions. If your financial situation allows, you may consider making a new investment to recover from your former loss. This time, use a respective broker or investment company and start to build your assets.

Emotional and Financial Support

What if you could recover the money you lost from scam investments? ways to recover from various scams and get a reliable solution. Recovering from a scam investments is also about finding the right support for your condition, especially for emotion and finance. A recovery process could be time-consuming and exhausting for scam investment victims. A chargeback process can go up to 90 days, depending on the case. However, there are chances where you can’t get a refund over your loss from a scam investment. Don’t give up, and be consistent with your efforts. That’s why finding relevant support through these challenging times is significant for recovery itself.

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