How do I recover money from real estate scams?

Real estate scams are wire fraud where you transfer the money to the scammers instead of the property seller. Fraudsters usually compromise the email of the real estate buyers with a guide to disbursement. It’s not the seller who is the fraudster, but there is a third party that intercepts the email. This article states some ways in which you can recover money from real estate scams.

The buyers disburse the payment to the scammer’s account following the fraud guide sent by email. There is a lack of

cybersecurity awareness in the real estate business, leading to real estate scams. Impostor, real estate emails make thousands of people lose billions of dollars daily. If you suspect someone is scamming you of your real estate payment, take immediate steps to retrieve funds.

These are some steps of recovery from real estate scams you can take immediately.

Push The Bank To help Recover Money from real estate scams

First, contact your bank and that of the recipients. Yes, you’d have to get in touch with both banks once you realize the scam. Next, request an account freezing over fraud to the recipient’s bank. You can formally request the bank to freeze the account even if you are not a customer. Ask your bank to help you with the notes.

There are two possibilities of the funds you’ve transferred to the fraudster’s account. If you act immediately, there are chances that the funds are still in that account. However, the fraudster may quickly move the funds to other accounts in other banks. If you’re experiencing the second scenario, you should follow the money and request a fraud freeze on other recipients’ accounts.


As the real investment scam real estate takes place online, it would be proper to call the FBI to file a complaint under Internet Crime Complaint Center(IC3). It’s a division that focuses on handling internet crimes, including real investment scams. You’d receive a complaint number over the fraud transactions you’ve experienced.

You may wonder why you’d have to go to the FBI instead of FCT or financial authority. It’s because scammers carry out real estate investment scams through the internet, and there’s a need to follow and recover the money. IC3-issued complaint number is significant for any Belize real estate scams victim. From now on, you can use the complaint number to process your report further.

Next, you’d need to contact the local FBI field office to proceed with your real estate scams in Florida reports. They will require the complaint number. You also need to request for assignment of agents with specialization in real estate investment scams. They’d require copies of all documentation and other evidence of the transactions. Ensure that you prepare all of them before filing your complaint. An FBI field officer would take care of your case.

Get A Legal Backup

After contacting the banks and filing a complaint to the FBI’s IC3, you’ve done great so far. Next, you need to get a legal backup by contacting a lawyer. It may be a family lawyer or one with experience in real estate scams. At this point, the lawyer may help you with the temporary restraining order. The order lists the banks that host fraudster’s accounts and receives your money.
This order aims to prevent these recipient banks from further transferring your money or stopping the fund’s movement. It also orders the banks to freeze the fraudsters’ accounts.

Follow Up Your Request to recover your money from real estate scams

Another critical tip during the real estate rental scams recovery process, you should be proactive. You need to follow up on your requests on fraud freezes and expand it following the money’s movement. Fraud freezes would stop fraudsters from transferring your funds any further. Each bank may have different policies on how long they would keep freezing the fraud accounts. And yes, fraudsters would typically use multiple accounts in other banks.
It’s you who should gather the relevant data about the movement of the money, including the bank names, account names, locations, e.t.c. It’s also essential to document and keep the log throughout the progress to support your report.

Filing A Police Report

In the final step, you’d need to file a police report over the real estate investment scams you’ve experienced. You can pass all documentation and information when you’re filing the report. Police will proceed with the case on the basis of the information you provide. That’s why we’ve suggested you compile all information and contacts so both the FBI and police can get through them effectively.

Again, the key to successfully recover your money from a real estate agent scams is time. Every second count, from when you suspect fraud. The more you wait, the lower chance you can trace your money and get it back to your account. The whole process does not take up to five hours after the realization. Generally speaking, contact the banks for fraud freezes should be done in the very first minutes. These would buy you time to structure your reports and do all of those follow-ups.


As you might have seen above, recovering money from a real estate investment scam requires quick moves and persistence. As a victim of an investment scam, you’d have to be proactive on real estate news and do all steps with no hesitation. Following the money wouldn’t be easy as scammers may transfer it to multiple accounts within hours or even minutes. Requesting fraud freeze on fraud accounts and reporting to authorities should be done quickly.

Contact Professional Third – Party

Many recovery companies can help you if you choose not to pursue any of the means. These companies have certified ethical hackers that can help you recover lost or stolen funds from real estate scams, binary options scams e.t.c. AtriumForensics can provide these services. There are many testimonials from happy customers. Speak to an expert on the team immediately to help you with the recovery of your funds. Send a mail to

Read Also: How to recover money from Binary Options scam.

Read Also: Sharebroker Fraud, the many ways it can happen.








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Recover from Binary Options

Have you ever been tempted to join binary options? Ever had a bad experience with binary options Recovery? Have you ever been scammed? How do you recover from scams? If so, you are in the right place at the right time. The article is going to dissect various aspects regarding binary options.

Being scammed is universal, even educated people such as professors are also scammed. When you get involved in a scam, don’t blame yourself. Don’t think of something stupid like suicide; life has to go on.

Prevention is better than cure. Here are some tips to prevent you from being scammed:

  • Ensure the broker is registered with proper regulatory authorities such as FCA
  • Risk money you can afford
  • Be knowing quick rich program are bound to lose
  • Educate yourself in financial matters
  • Never ask pieces of advice from brokers because they make money if you win or lose
  • Before anything practice on demos until you grasp everything
  • Stay away from binary
  • Apply forex trading principles
  • Keep off from trading robots and automated systems since many are scams
  • Use credit card because they got the capacity to protect you from fraud

Never join a company via a phone call, do due diligence and check reviews. The industry is heavily abused, and lots of scammers vanish with a lot of cash due to lax regulation and poor diligence of victims.

If keen enough, you will find fake networks that support, endorse and propagate scams. With proper diligence, you will smell a scam from a distance.

So what will you do if scammed?

Rule number one, don’t panic. Obvious, being human you have to go through emotional distress and guilt. First thing send a complaint to customer services team, contact the police, and then file a complaint with financial regulatory authority that the company is registered with. Ensure your evidence is on point to avoid contradictions.

Loss recovery steps

There are three loss recovery steps. They include:

  • If one faces huge losses, in anyone’s mind is trading vigorously to recover losses with wins. This is one of the damaging decisions that traders make since it causes multiple losses. The best thing is to take a break from a binary option for some time. This gives you time to sharpen your skills and come up with better strategies.
  • Next, you should keenly focus on inefficiencies that led to losses. Factors that caused failures may take part before the next binary option. Deeply analyse real issues and patterns of failure. Areas that require thorough investigation includes money management rules that might not have been followed properly and improper implementation of a plan.
  • Lastly, you should not keep yourself away from other binary traders. Join various forums and discuss your problems. Within the forums, there are specialists that will help you with your problem.

Wrapping up

Everyone wants to be successful especially in business. Binary options Recovery are one of the alternatives if done properly to getting your funds back successfully. Ultrarecovery is dedicated to just this purpose. Don’t get stressed up if involved in any loss. Follow the doctrines of the article and visit chances are you will salvage your hard earned cash.

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Forex scam recovery

If you are very enthusiastic about trade and investments, then chances are that you have come across forex trading one way or the other. Of course, there are so many people whose investments have in turn translates to wealth and they did not do forex trading but there are good number of people who are successful today because of forex trading. There also are people who are a bit unfortunate hence a victim to forex trading fraud. Before you engage in this line of investment, there is a serious need for you to acquire all the details about forex trading and trading scams. This is so that you will be able to differentiate the scams from the legitimate investment opportunities. Forex trading is a high reward investment system and you can make a lot of money if you get it right. However it is easier said than done , you need to ensure you acquire all the information possible before making any attempt of delving into it. Traders with robust experience always find forex trading easy and they also make a lot of profit from it. There are down moments when you find yourself in the unfortunately wrong websites, Recovery of your funds may be really difficult but all hope is not lost. Forex scam is as common as the legitimate business trading but as much as they are, Atrium forensics is  empowered and lisensced to fight skillfully to assist you in recovering your funds. Chargeback is the easiest and quickest way to recover your lost funds in a forex scam. It is a service that focuses on helping you recover your funds lost to any major scam, especially the ones perpetrated by a more structured organization. This is applicable for payments made by Bank deposits and credit card transfers. Cash payments unfortunately may not get help in this case and it is because it doesn’t usually come with proofs of payment. It also requires proof that you have made attempts to recover your funds. Forex trading scam is an unfortunate situation that people get into everyday. Most people in this mess are well meaning individuals in search of investment opportunities and so it is not in any way their fault. Forex scammers feast on the naivety and low knowledge base of new prospective traders and take full advantage of it. The news is, funds lost here is not funds gone down the drain. Atrium forensics is ready and able to help you in your funds recovery journey.