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INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA FRAUD. To support them with investment decisions, many investors are using the Internet and social media. Although these online tools can provide investors with several advantages, these same tools can make criminals tempting targets. Criminals adapt rapidly to emerging technology – and the Internet is no exception and as such vulnerable to numerous scams such as binary scams, real estate scams, investment scams.

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Without wasting a lot of time or money, the Internet is a convenient way to reach a mass audience. With minimal effort, a website, email post, or social networking platform may reach significant numbers. For fraudsters it is easy to make their messages appear genuine and trustworthy and often difficult for investors to tell the difference between truth and fiction. Even before supplying your phone number and email address, if an investment promotion captures your attention, investigate the “opportunity”. You might otherwise be setting yourself up to be targeted for investment fraud.

The key to avoiding investment fraud on social media sites or elsewhere on the Internet is to be an educated investor. To learn specific steps you can take, see How to recover from fraud. Below, we give you other helpful topisc such as why you should hire a private investigatorcybercrime forensicsHow can i get my money back from a scam

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Social media

For U.S. investors, social media, such as Facebook , YouTube , Twitter and LinkedIn, have become essential resources. Investors turn to social media, whether they are looking for analysis on individual securities, background information on a broker-dealer or investment manager, advice on an overall investment plan, up-to – date news, or simply want to discuss the markets with others. A variety of features that criminals may find attractive are also offered by social media. In their efforts, fraudsters may use social media to appear credible, hide behind anonymity and meet many at low cost.

Always be wary of unsolicited offers to invest, this are most likely associated with internet and social media fraud. Unsolicited sales pitches may be part of a fraudulent investment scheme. If you receive an unsolicited message from someone you don’t know containing a “can’t miss” investment, your best move maybe to pass up the “opportunity” and report it to the SEC Complaint Center.

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Online investment newsletters

While legitimate online newsletters contain valuable information, others are tools for fraud. Some companies pay online newsletters to “tout” or recommend their stocks. Touting isn’t illegal as long as the newsletters disclose who paid them, how much they’re getting paid, and the form of the payment, usually cash or stock. But fraudsters often lie about the payments they receive and their track records.

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Fraudulent promoters may claim to offer independent, unbiased recommendations in newsletters when they stand to profit from convincing others to buy or sell certain stocks. They may spread false information to promote worthless stocks.

The fact that these so-called “newsletters” may be advertised on legitimate websites, including on the online financial pages of news organizations, does not mean that they are not fraudulent. To learn more, read our tips for checking out newsletters.

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Online bulletin boards and chat rooms

Online bulletin boards, chat rooms and social media sites are a way for investors to share information. While some messages may be true, many turn out to be bogus – or even scams. Fraudsters may use online discussions to pump up a company or pretend to reveal “inside” information about upcoming announcements, new products, or lucrative contracts.

You never know for certain who you’re dealing with, or whether they’re credible, because many sites allow users to hide their identity behind multiple aliases. People claiming to be unbiased observers may actually be insiders, large shareholders, or paid promoters. One person can easily create the illusion of widespread interest in a small, thinly traded stock by posting numerous messages under various aliases.

Other online offerings may not be fraudulent per se, but may nonetheless fail to comply with the applicable registration provisions of the federal securities laws. While the federal securities laws require the registration of solicitations or “offerings,” some offerings are exempt. Always determine if a securities offering is registered with the SEC or a state, or is otherwise exempt from registration, before investing.

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“Spam” – junk e-mail – often is used to promote bogus investment schemes or to spread false information about a company. With a bulk e-mail program, spammers can send personalized messages to millions of people at once for much less than the cost of cold calling or traditional mail. Many scams, including advance fee frauds, use spam to reach potential victims.

Many of the frauds that show up on social media are not unique to the Internet. These frauds range from “pump and dump” schemes to promises of “guaranteed returns,” from “High Yield Investment Programs” to affinity fraud. To learn more about these frauds, see Types of Investment Scams.

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Growing Pandemic Cybercrime

Indeed, the Coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to a halt. People from around the world were limited to their homes. From now on, work is also routinely carried out from homes.

People have spent a lot of time on the internet in general since the pandemic. As a result, the rates of global cybercrime and trading scams have automatically increased dramatically.

WHO registered a fivefold rise in the number of cases of cybercrime worldwide. Novice traders and other novice online users raid enormous amounts of money. These cyber-attacks and scams are not unique at all, and can be viewed in different ways.

Even after the scam is found, tracking down these fake businesses and having back their missing funds is very hard for online victims. It seems all the more improbable now, with travel limits and global lockdowns.

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AtriumForensics Funds Recovery – A Boon

In comes the need for Funds Recovery, this is carried out in the form of forensic analysis and forensic investigations, these services are provided by the firm AtriumForensics,a global consulting firm specializing in the recovery of assets.

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The firm specializes in bringing back its customers’ lost money quickly and easily. The company will continue all of its companies online even without the coronavirus pandemic. Now that the forensic expert witnessesare well trained to manage cases on the internet, and have been offered various forensics certifications this really helps.

Users may be willing to take the required measures to recover their missing money, but it is still very difficult with all the restrictions. It takes a lot of time and patience to recruit a lawyer, contact the companies, set up a case, etc. Now if the businesses were based in another country then the consumers of all the travel bans are still at a disadvantage.

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Better and Swift

The forensic experts atAtriumForensics carry out Funds Recovery procedures and are exactly present to handle these sorts of problems and even more complicated cases. Clients only need to register a complaint either directly from the site or via email.

By providing a few basic details and describing the scam, clients can send their case for review for free. The forensic experts then discuss if at all the money is recoverable. If yes, it contacts back the customers and agrees upon the arrangements of the case along with pricing. It is that simple.

Once the arrangements are made users can leave the whole process of money recovery on the firm. The transparency of the procedures gives the clients a clear view of the company’s actions.

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Better steps taken

AtriumForensics has a high record of solved cases. This is due to its methodical approach towards the case solving, something which was duly practiced even before the lockdown. A few of the steps involved are stated as follows.

  • An experienced forensic expert/professional is appointed to the case, who studies the details and builds up a case against the scam trading enterprise.
  • After that, Funds Recovery directly contacts the scammer and all the other parties involved like banks, lawyers, etc.
  • Citing the different laws and by other legal means, the firm gets back the money scammed off the client.
  • The firm adds the name of the company to its constantly updated scammers’ database.

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Quick, Experienced and Variety

AtriumForensics not only handles funds recovery and different scams but also educates the online population about them. These include:

With a well-tested strategy for each of the aforementioned kinds, a superior workforce of forensic experts that coordinates and contacts all the institutions even in this pandemic to obtain desired results and apply essential forensic analysis and investigation to ensure full funds recovery.

For complex cases as well, AtriumForensics tries to come to a solution fast. This is important as with increased delay the scammer only gets harder and harder to catch. AtriumForensics is one of the fastest assets recovery sites out there and, due to that, is able to maintain a long and growing list of highly satisfied customers.

Victims might try to get back their money on their own but it is a difficult and time-consuming procedure involving a lot of work and coordination.

With Funds Recovery, even at the time of this pandemic, clients can be sure that professionals are working efficiently on recovering their lost funds as fast as possible.

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Atrium Forensics Review

Atrium Forensics Review- Helping make your financial future better: Atrium Forensics is a global consulting firm specializing in the recovery of assets. The organization focuses primarily on forensic analysis, forensics investigation, Binary Options, Crypto Currencies, CFDs and Forex related Scams. The company has listed the largest database of scam brokerage outfits on its website.

The proportion of this type of financial fraud is staggering, with tens of millions of victims every single year throughout the world. Atrium Forensics is a company that is licensed to offer forensics expert witness services to international clients in the US, UK and Australia on issues regarding scam and fund recovery. They know how to recover lost funds, and they have helped thousands of scam victims worldwide to improve their funds. Here is the analytical Atrium Forensics Review on various parameters.

What Type of Financial Scams They Resolve?

Dealing with scams relating primarily to binary options, cryptocurrencies, CFDs and forex scams is Atrium Forensic’s speciality. The company boasts itself on its numerous forensic certifications which include computer forensics and mobile forensics investigation and expert services as well as its detailed database of scam brokers. This database helps forensic experts assist investors recover their money from unlicensed and fraudulent brokerage firms. Described below are the online unregulated broker scams Atrium Forensics can assist one with and their process for recovering stolen money.

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Forex Scam Recovery

The forex market is the global biggest trading market, with nearly US$5 Trillion traded daily. This Gigantic size of the forex market makes the stock market look like a dwarf. The forex market provides the lure of obtaining wealth in a short time-frame.

With instant online trading and 24-hour market availability, it has also become a refuge for seamsters. Today, more illegitimate forex trading and brokerage firms with a proposal to trade in financial markets are targeting investors increasingly.

These forex scammers usually target beginners or uneducated traders. They promise them high returns and guaranteed profits with little or no risk. They advertise their schemes like it can make them rich very quickly.

Ordinarily, the platform investors are trading on is just a ‘video game’ setup by these unchecked brokers. It is normal to make gains on these websites initially. But accounts will be deferred or closed without notification, and these fraudsters will deny returning deposited money.

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Cryptocurrency Scam Recovery

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset created to function as a medium of exchange. It also uses robust cryptography to safeguard financial transactions, administer the formulation of additional units, and authenticate the transfer of assets.

Bitcoin is the most widely traded currency in the world, and it is also the first cryptocurrency in the world. The trade volume of bitcoin till 2020 is 31.91 billion. Most scams revolve around bitcoin and ethereum, which is an altcoin.

The scammer uses altcoin a lot to cheat beginner crypto traders. They publicize their fake altcoins as a better alternative to bitcoin, which will become a massive thing in the future. They advertise that if an investor trades bitcoin with their altcoin, they will get a better exchange value.

The fraudsters use old-fashioned, Ponzi schemes to scam investors. The cryptocurrency fraudsters use money collected from investors to pay out new investors while also manipulating currency prices unfairly.

They also use AI technology for scamming people. They also publicize that if an investor is struggling in the crypto market, they can seek the help of their Robo advisor. These AI-based robots are said to have the best algorithms that will always make the right investment decision.

There are also cryptocurrency pumps, where one needs to deposit precise amounts of money or bitcoin, and it will multiply. Investors will receive a double amount in their cryptocurrency wallets.

In 2018, losses from cryptocurrency crimes had caused damages worth 1.7 billion dollars.

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Binary Options Scam Solution

Binary options are a type of fixed-odds betting where an exchange includes whether an occasion will occur or not. For instance, the price of an asset will rise, and the result is either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.The investor will see a return on their investment if they ‘win’ or ‘lose’ their full investment if they are incorrect.

Commonly binary options fraudsters advertise on social media with ad links to what look like professionally designed websites. There is manipulating software to distort prices and payouts and terminating trading accounts without notice while refusing to payout.

CFDs Scams

A prominent form of derivative trading contracts for difference (CFD), enabling one to gamble on fast-moving international financial markets to trade whether prices of financial instruments will rise or fall.

Repeatedly these swindler brokers will advertise, forceful online ads promoting millionaire’s lifestyle with only two hours of trading a day.

By signing up with these unregulated brokers, the funds will get lost for sure. In the US, there is no regulation on CFDs; it adds another layer of complication to the procedure of recovering victims’ funds.

Process of Recovering Funds By Fund-Recovery

The consulting firm uses a clear-cut procedure of firstly listening to the client’s grievance and giving definitive recommendations. With the client’s input, they gather evidence and information to build up a case for forensic investigation. Most important, they will contact the fraud ‘broker’ and their bank directly to recover your money.

Given the know-how and the hundreds of cases worked on against unregulated brokers. It may be possible they have recovered funds from the specific unregulated broker in the past. It will also compress the time-frame of recovery of funds which typically can take from 2 months to 6 months for more complicated cases.

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Pricing For The Services Offered

Atrium Forensics offers a first free consultation for those trying to get back funds. The company doesn’t state the amount they levy for  forensic analysis and lucrative recovery of funds, the amount they say differs on a case by case premise. If the organization believes your situation is genuine and the rehabilitation of money is possible, the forensic expert witness following the initial consultation will agree upon the amount.

The considerable experience the company has build-up from working on hundreds of projects is undoubtedly displayed on their website. They have created a ‘blacklist’ page for naming and shaming of some of those dishonest unregulated brokers.

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Conclusion – Atrium Forensics Review

Atrium Forensics has one of the vast databases of listed unregulated brokers on the market, which they have successfully recovered the money from. They have a wealth of experience in forensic analysis and forensic investigation. This is evident in their various forensic certifications as well as their roster of forensic expert witnesses confronting both local and international fraudsters and are happy to address all cases, however complex. With excellent online reviews, their simple, outstanding method is a proven winner for the recovery of funds.

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Recover from Binary Options

Have you ever been tempted to join binary options? Ever had a bad experience with binary options Recovery? Have you ever been scammed? How do you recover from scams? If so, you are in the right place at the right time. The article is going to dissect various aspects regarding binary options.

Being scammed is universal, even educated people such as professors are also scammed. When you get involved in a scam, don’t blame yourself. Don’t think of something stupid like suicide; life has to go on.

Prevention is better than cure. Here are some tips to prevent you from being scammed:

  • Ensure the broker is registered with proper regulatory authorities such as FCA
  • Risk money you can afford
  • Be knowing quick rich program are bound to lose
  • Educate yourself in financial matters
  • Never ask pieces of advice from brokers because they make money if you win or lose
  • Before anything practice on demos until you grasp everything
  • Stay away from binary
  • Apply forex trading principles
  • Keep off from trading robots and automated systems since many are scams
  • Use credit card because they got the capacity to protect you from fraud

Never join a company via a phone call, do due diligence and check reviews. The industry is heavily abused, and lots of scammers vanish with a lot of cash due to lax regulation and poor diligence of victims.

If keen enough, you will find fake networks that support, endorse and propagate scams. With proper diligence, you will smell a scam from a distance.

So what will you do if scammed?

Rule number one, don’t panic. Obvious, being human you have to go through emotional distress and guilt. First thing send a complaint to customer services team, contact the police, and then file a complaint with financial regulatory authority that the company is registered with. Ensure your evidence is on point to avoid contradictions.

Loss recovery steps

There are three loss recovery steps. They include:

  • If one faces huge losses, in anyone’s mind is trading vigorously to recover losses with wins. This is one of the damaging decisions that traders make since it causes multiple losses. The best thing is to take a break from a binary option for some time. This gives you time to sharpen your skills and come up with better strategies.
  • Next, you should keenly focus on inefficiencies that led to losses. Factors that caused failures may take part before the next binary option. Deeply analyse real issues and patterns of failure. Areas that require thorough investigation includes money management rules that might not have been followed properly and improper implementation of a plan.
  • Lastly, you should not keep yourself away from other binary traders. Join various forums and discuss your problems. Within the forums, there are specialists that will help you with your problem.

Wrapping up

Everyone wants to be successful especially in business. Binary options Recovery are one of the alternatives if done properly to getting your funds back successfully. Ultrarecovery is dedicated to just this purpose. Don’t get stressed up if involved in any loss. Follow the doctrines of the article and visit chances are you will salvage your hard earned cash.

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There are lots of memes centered on obvious scenarios of people falling victim to investment scams.

The truth is we all can still fall for such tricks if we are not extra careful.

Most investment scams use the same basic principles.

The set person who is always likable,friendly and professional promises great profit, assurance of no risk and has this assertion of urgency and secrecy.

When making money, the idea of having even more money is always welcome;

“We have different financial goals and doubling up our money will help in achieving them.”

These prevalent thoughts in the human mind makes it easier for a scammer.

There are different types of investment scams. Scammers join hobbyist groups and religious groups, or trade on ethnic similarities because humans tend to listen to people with whom they have something in common. They also pose as sales agents or unlicensed brokers approaching you with financial advice or an investment opportunity. This agent might sell fake insurance policies.Or, worse, you could walk into this den personally to seek advice as they are well-positioned.

The Ponzi scheme is also a type of scam. The Ponzi money-shifting scheme consists of paying initial investors with the funds provided by later investors. In the early 2000s, Harry Markopolos, an obscure securities professional gave warnings to the security and exchange commission about this medium perpetrated by Bernie Madoff.

People fall victim to internet scams too. This includes E-mail offers and spurious web sites promoting investment opportunities in nonexistent companies or products.

 Worst still, Scammers also see seniors as targets. Since seniors worry about how their retirement savings will support them, they are eager to believe the scammer who dispels these fears with his sound advice and exciting opportunities, presenting insurance fraud and unsuitable investments.

It is glaring, everyone is a target and this is the reason why forensic investigators or financial forensics is a fast-rising occupation.

Forensic is a research carried out to investigate crimes. In this case, these persons are trained beyond the shallow level of computing and networking functions to know what is underneath the covers. They run through people’s investment to investigate or trace their money. They know networking, Law and criminal investigation and also, a sound analytical mind.

Forensic services are becoming more available as the rise of cybercrimes increases.

Without a doubt, a Forensic service with their knots neatly tied helps in cases where there is a breach.

Ever lost your money through investment scams?

You need a forensic service and it is better when you act fast.